Hi, i’m Woody

This is the story of me.

Is it important ? Is it necessary ?

NO !

But you can read it nevertheless, if you want.


The Early Years
1967 – 1973

Born on Wednesday in Lichtenberg, an old area of Eastberlin.

1968 moved into a new house in Weißensee.

I don’t have to go to a day nursery, but from 1970 I attended the kindergarten.

The Middle Years
1973 – 1986

1973 to 1983 High School in Weißensee.

1977 first trip to Poland, repeatedly, then to Hungary, always with my parents.

1981 start smoking.

Then came the first girlfriends and a lot of fun.

1983 started my apprenticeship to an electrical mechanic.

In this time I understand the disgraces in the GDR and wish to leave this f…ing country.

After the training, I worked a few months for little money.

At the beginning of 1986 finally started the move from East to West.

The New Life
1986 – 2002
What a lucky break !

After a short time I got a job, could travel around the world and got my first computer.

1987 move into my own flat.

1988 stopped smoking.

1989 crashed The Wall – big happiness.

I was often on the eastside, but the problems are going on – many differences.

A new musicstyle was born, MY music – it’s called Techno

(many partys on crazy places – without drugs).

Every year I’m going on travel, soon my favourite is Africa.

Often I sit at my computer and explore the Internet.

1998 I found the best woman of the world (not in WWW, in real life).

The Normal Life
2002 – 2014
Now or never !

With my „wife“ and her daughter we started a brand new life.

New school, new work and a new flat – in Rödermark, near Frankfurt am Main.

But now, in 2007, we think about a new flat. Perhaps an own house…

Done. Now we live in a small house in Egelsbach, near to Darmstadt.


I think we grow old, we do not like it as warm;-)
New destinations are, therefore, Norway and Iceland.

The Brand New Life
2014 –